Hey Students,
I know you are always looking for the cheapest options to ride b/w SFO, SJC, OAK and Stanford University. Its confusing, hard, and difficult to find cheapest options all the time. Here is the discounted rates specially for STANFORD STUDENTS.
Taxi Service from Stanford to SFO (101 Freeway) $73 (Meter Rates) - 25% discount with STUDENT ID = $54.75 FLAT RATE (100% guaranteed rate with CASH payment), $65 with Credit Card
Taxi Services from Stanford to SFO (280 Freeway) $85 (Meter Rates) - 25% discount with Student ID = $65 FLAT RATE (100% guaranteed rate with Cash, $85 CC )* Terms and conditions apply,
- Must mention discount code: ATCBAStanford25
- Book 6 hours in advance.
- Valid b/w 6 AM - 10 PM
- Discount won't be applied if you do not mention it while you book. Discount applied with valid student id on taxis only, not on minivan request. Upto 3 people only per ride.
Call Airport Taxi Cab Bay Area 650-551-1234